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5 Reasons Why Every Pet 

Parent Needs Couch Skins 🎉

Here are five big reasons why Pet Parents all over America are using Couch Skins to live stress free from pets damaging their couches and costing them hundreds of dollars in repairs:

1. Full Protection from Pet Scratching, Biting, Accidents, and Loose Fur

Couch Skins add a protective layer on top of your couch cushions to make sure your pets do not accidentally (or on purpose) damage your couch when you are not there. They protect from scratching, biting, accidents, and spills.

2. Helps Keep Couches Clean of XX% of Allergens from Pets

Couch Skins help keep your living room allergen free by capturing particles and making them easier to clean.

3. The Ultimate Money Saver

Have room in your budget for another couch? No? Thats fine, Couch Skins keeps your couch looking new so you won't have to replace it!

4. Setup in 2 minutes for a lifetime of protection from accidents

Couch Skins are easier to put on than a pillow case. Simply install in 2 minutes for a lifetime of couch protection. Its that simple.

5. More comfortable and easier to clean than your couch, guaranteed.

Couch Skins are made to feel better than a regular couch. Plus, they are machine washable, just pop them in and have a clean couch with each wash.

Exclusive New Client Deal


Join over 50,000 Americans in making the biggest money saving decision for Pet Parents!

  • FREE Shipping on all orders

  • 30 Day Moneyback Guarantee

  • Fits All Couches


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